
Header: cglm/frustum.h

cglm provides convenient functions to extract frustum planes, corners… All extracted corners are vec4 so you must create array of vec4 not vec3. If you want to store them to save space you msut convert them yourself.

vec4 is used to speed up functions need to corners. This is why frustum functions use vec4 instead of vec3

Currently related-functions use [-1, 1] clip space configuration to extract corners but you can override it by prodiving GLM_CUSTOM_CLIPSPACE macro. If you provide it then you have to all bottom macros as vec4

Current configuration:

/* near */
GLM_CSCOORD_LBN {-1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f}
GLM_CSCOORD_LTN {-1.0f,  1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f}
GLM_CSCOORD_RTN { 1.0f,  1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f}
GLM_CSCOORD_RBN { 1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f}

/* far */
GLM_CSCOORD_LBF {-1.0f, -1.0f,  1.0f, 1.0f}
GLM_CSCOORD_LTF {-1.0f,  1.0f,  1.0f, 1.0f}
GLM_CSCOORD_RTF { 1.0f,  1.0f,  1.0f, 1.0f}
GLM_CSCOORD_RBF { 1.0f, -1.0f,  1.0f, 1.0f}
Explain of short names:
  • LBN: left bottom near

  • LTN: left top near

  • RTN: right top near

  • RBN: right bottom near

  • LBF: left bottom far

  • LTF: left top far

  • RTF: right top far

  • RBF: right bottom far

Table of contents (click to go):


GLM_LBN    0 /* left  bottom near */
GLM_LTN    1 /* left  top    near */
GLM_RTN    2 /* right top    near */
GLM_RBN    3 /* right bottom near */

GLM_LBF    4 /* left  bottom far  */
GLM_LTF    5 /* left  top    far  */
GLM_RTF    6 /* right top    far  */
GLM_RBF    7 /* right bottom far  */

GLM_TOP    3
GLM_FAR    5


  1. glm_frustum_planes()

  2. glm_frustum_corners()

  3. glm_frustum_center()

  4. glm_frustum_box()

  5. glm_frustum_corners_at()

Functions documentation

void glm_frustum_planes(mat4 m, vec4 dest[6])
extracts view frustum planes
planes’ space:
  • if m = proj: View Space

  • if m = viewProj: World Space

  • if m = MVP: Object Space

You probably want to extract planes in world space so use viewProj as m Computing viewProj:

glm_mat4_mul(proj, view, viewProj);

Exracted planes order: [left, right, bottom, top, near, far]

[in] m matrix
[out] dest exracted view frustum planes
void glm_frustum_corners(mat4 invMat, vec4 dest[8])
extracts view frustum corners using clip-space coordinates
corners’ space:
  • if m = invViewProj: World Space

  • if m = invMVP: Object Space

You probably want to extract corners in world space so use invViewProj Computing invViewProj:

glm_mat4_mul(proj, view, viewProj);
glm_mat4_inv(viewProj, invViewProj);

if you have a near coord at i index, you can get it’s far coord by i + 4; follow example below to understand that

For instance to find center coordinates between a near and its far coord:

for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
  glm_vec3_center(corners[i], corners[i + 4], centerCorners[i]);

corners[i + 4] is far of corners[i] point.

[in] invMat matrix
[out] dest exracted view frustum corners
void glm_frustum_center(vec4 corners[8], vec4 dest)
finds center of view frustum
[in] corners view frustum corners
[out] dest view frustum center
void glm_frustum_box(vec4 corners[8], mat4 m, vec3 box[2])
finds bounding box of frustum relative to given matrix e.g. view mat
[in] corners view frustum corners
[in] m matrix to convert existing conners
[out] box bounding box as array [min, max]
void glm_frustum_corners_at(vec4 corners[8], float splitDist, float farDist, vec4 planeCorners[4])
finds planes corners which is between near and far planes (parallel)

this will be helpful if you want to split a frustum e.g. CSM/PSSM. This will find planes’ corners but you will need to one more plane. Actually you have it, it is near, far or created previously with this func ;)

[in] corners frustum corners
[in] splitDist split distance
[in] farDist far distance (zFar)
[out] planeCorners plane corners [LB, LT, RT, RB]