📚 API documentation ================================ **cglm** provides a few APIs for similar functions. * 📦 **Inline API**: All functions are inline. You can include **cglm/cglm.h** header to use this API. This is the default API. `glm_` is namespace/prefix for this API. * 📦 **Call API**: All functions are not inline. You need to build *cglm* and link it to your project. You can include **cglm/call.h** header to use this API. `glmc_` is namespace/prefix for this API. And also there are also sub categories: * 📦 **Array API**: Types are raw arrays and functions takes array as argument. You can include **cglm/cglm.h** header to use this API. This is the default API. `glm_` is namespace/prefix for this API. * 📦 **Struct API**: Types are union/struct and functions takes struct as argument and return structs if needed. You can include **cglm/struct.h** header to use this API. This also includes **cglm/cglm.h** header.`glms_` is namespace/prefix for this API but your can omit or change it, see struct api docs. * 📦 **SIMD API**: SIMD functions and helpers. `glmm_` is namespace/prefix for this API. 📌 Since struct api and call api are built top of inline array api, follow inline array api docs for individual functions. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: API documentations: api_inline_array api_struct api_call api_simd